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5 Day Mindset Reset for Managers

  • 5 Steps


If you manage a team of people, chances are you are wearing a lot of hats. And, that can get STRESSFUL! Sometimes, it gets to us... we managers are human too! If you need to hit the reset button, wipe the slate clean, and start fresh with new perspective, this 5 day mini course is for you! For five days, I will teach you new science and proven techniques to help you completely reset your mindset at work. Just listen to the video for the day, complete the worksheet, or implement the challenge for the day. By the end of the week, you will feel like you are back in control, and will have a new perspective on leading your team.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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Can't find coaching on what you are looking for?

If you are struggling with leading your teams, so are others!

Let's fix that!

Drop me a note and tell me what's going on! 

I'll answer with some advice, or add it to the course content!

If you ask for advice I haven't yet answered, and I include it in one of my courses, you will get access for FREE!

Go ahead! Ask me ALL the questions :-)


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