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Sound Familiar?

Does having a team of people who want to show up and care feel like an impossible goal you might never hit?
Does it feel like the employees of today don't care about working anymore?
If you answered 'YES'...
... you are not alone!
Times have changed.
Here is what DOESN'T work anymore...
Sharing the purpose of their work
Recognition for results
These methods don't work because they are all about the employer (the employer's results, goals, and metrics).
They have nothing to do with the EMPLOYEE... their goals, their priorities...
Ignite Your Team will help you to:
Spot the 5 signs of demotivation before they affect your business
Build a connection with your employees
Make better, clear-headed decisions in times of chaos
Avoid staff shortages and inevitable burnout, in and outside of work
Build a culture where people want to work and care about doing a good job
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