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What Readers are Saying...

Kenneth Bjork

VP Operations

"Among many gems found within the book, JC's guidance on building high-performing teams is a standout and layered throughout each chapter.  Central to effective leadership is the art of asking calibrated questions. JC's guidance in this realm is a game-changer.  Her section on the subject provide a toolkit for leaders to unearth motivations, drive engagement, and ultimately steer their teams toward success."

Does having a team of people who show up and care feel like an impossible goal you might not ever hit?

Does it feel like the employees of today don't care about working anymore?

They do, it's just different than it used to be!

Ignite Your Team teaches managers just like you how to quickly identify what people want, and unlock their drive in just five easy steps.  Even if you are the busiest of the busiest of managers, these steps will work for you!



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Can't find coaching on what you are looking for?

If you are struggling with leading your teams, so are others!

Let's fix that!

Drop me a note and tell me what's going on! 

I'll answer with some advice, or add it to the course content!

If you ask for advice I haven't yet answered, and I include it in one of my courses, you will get access for FREE!

Go ahead! Ask me ALL the questions :-)


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